Emploi jeunesse
Emploi Québec
- 1 888 643-4721
- http://emploiquebec.net/index.asp
Localisateur de centres locaux d’emploi/Local Employment Center Locator (CLE)
Ministère Emploi & Solidarité Sociale
- 1-888-643-4721
- http://www.mess.gouv.qc.ca/
Réseau des Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi – 16-35 years old
Services Canada
- Tel: (514) 496-9040
- http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/hr-display.cgi?rc=2381y&ln=eng
Youth Employment (community programs)
Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi NDG
- Tel: (514) 482-6665
- http://joomla.cje-ndg.com/
Coopération Jeunesse de Services – 12-17 year olds
- Du Parc Y centre: Sophie Ferron 514 271-9622, ext. 205
- Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Y centre: Jonathan Alarie 514 255-4651, ext. 2234
- West Island Y centre: Natalie Bérubé 514 630-9622, ext. 326
- http://www.ymcaquebec.org/fr/enfance/coop_jeunesse/
Opération Placement Jeunesse (French)
- Tel: (514) 281-1030
- http://www.opj.ca/pro_main.htm
Réseau des Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi – 16-35
- The mandate of the CJE is to accompany you and guide you in return to school, seeking employment or starting your own small business.
- http://www.cjereseau.org/jeunes/index.php
Regroupement des organismes spécialises pour emploi des personnes handicapées (ROSEPH)
- Tel: (514) 721-4941, poste 113
- http://www.roseph.ca/
Sage Accompagnateur D’Entrepreneurs
- Tel: (514) 861-SAJE (7253)
- http://sajeenaffaires.org/lancement_entreprise.php#
YES Montréal (services in English)
- 514-878-9788
- http://www.yesmontreal.ca/yes.php
Youth Café
- Offered at Concordia University. Program run through Services Canada
- The Youth Café is a unique one-stop service centre offering information and assistance to youth on the many programs and services of the Federal Government specifically targeted to those aged 15-35.
- Tel: (514) 848-2424 ext: 7345
- http://caps.concordia.ca/archives/009167.php
Youth Café – Services Canada
- Tel: (514) 496-9040
- http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/hr-display.cgi?rc=2381y&ln=eng
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