Commotions cérébrales

Premier rendez-vous

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Please make sure that your attachment is clear and legible. We do not process incomplete applications or provide appointments without a copy of the referral. If you do not attach your referral, you will need to fax it to the department directly. Wait times depend on the priority assigned to the referral and can be as long as several months.

Patient Information

Date of birth*
Health insurance card expiration date*
'DD' corresponds to the child's date of birth.

Contact Information (for parent or guardian)

Une commotion cérébrale, également appelée lésion cérébrale traumatique légère, est un type de lésion cérébrale. C’est la forme la plus courante de lésion cérébrale traumatique subie par les athlètes, les enfants et les adolescents.

Au cours des 25 dernières années, les spécialistes en traumatologie du Centre de traumatologie de l’Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants ont été des chefs de file dans ce domaine, en élaborant et en mettant en œuvre une approche novatrice, complète, proactive et interprofessionnelle de la gestion des commotions cérébrales chez les jeunes.

Concussion KiT – 4th edition

The 4th edition of the Concussion KiT once again provides us with an opportunity to combine our trauma knowledge and expertise with injury prevention strategies, and apply it to the composite life of a child or teen at school, play, and at home. In it, you will find information on the prevention, recognition and management of concussions.

Key messages conveyed in the Concussion KiT:

  1. Recognize symptoms early on.
  2. See a doctor to confirm diagnosis.
  3. Follow recommendations for a period of physical, cognitive and academic activity restrictions.
  4. Never play injured.
  5. Gradually return to physical activity as tolerated, but no return to contact until symptom-free.

Ressources pour les médecins

Informations générales sur les commotions cérébrales

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