Enregistrements des réunions scientifiques

Enregistrements des réunions scientifiques

Les enregistrements disponibles de nos séances hebdomadaires sont disponibles sur cette page. Si vous souhaitez recevoir un certificat de participation éligible aux activités de la section 2 du MOC, veuillez remplir le questionnaire après avoir visionné l’enregistrement et l’envoyer par courriel à [email protected].

Les réunions scientifiques médicales pédiatriques sont présentées en anglais. 

Calendrier 2023-2024

Frank M. Guttman Visiting Professorship – Breaking New Ground: Evolution of the Artificial Placenta for Support of Premature Infants – 12 juin 2024

Donald and Elizabeth Hillman Global Child Health Lectureship – Fellowship Safaris Podcast: Making Meaning of Diverse Medical Education Narratives – 29 mai 2024

Steinberg Child Development Lectureship – Navigating the Landscape of English Education in Quebec: Multilingualism, Diverse Education Needs, and Language Legislation – 22 mai 2024

Charles R. Scriver Lectureship on Genetics and Metabolism – Cycling Forward: The Evolving Clinical Landscape in Urea Cycle Disorders – 8 mai 2024

Pediatric Autopsies and Coroners Act – La loi sur les Coroners / Coroners Act – 24 avril 2024

Thérèse Perreault QI Lectureship – Improving your QI/IQ by Partnering with Families: Pediatric Case Studies and Practical Tips – 17 avril 2024

2nd Annual Gottesman Grand Rounds – Caring for the Critically Ill Child – Past, Present & Future – 10 avril 2024

Pediatric Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) – Point of Care Ultrasound at the MCH: a story of innovation – 3 avril 2024

Alice Chan-Yip Lectureship in Integrative and Psychosomatic Medicine – Towards Equitable Pediatric Care and Outcomes Through Inclusive and Anti-Oppressive Research – 27 mars 2024

Charlotte Laplante Branchaud Lectureship in Perinatal Endocrinology – Congenital Hyperinsulinism – 20 mars 2024

SPOT School of Physical and Occupational Therapy – Molecular Underpinnings in Antenatal and Neonatal Programming of Cardiovascular Health and Disease Across the Lifespan – 13 mars 2024

Keith Drummond Memorial Lectureship – Optimizing Outcomes in Young Kidney Transplant Recipients – February 28 2024

New Guidelines for the Management of Febrile Young Infants – 7 février 2024

Bone Marrow Transplantation Over the Last 25 Years: Evolution of Practice and the MCH Experience – 31 janvier 2024

Family Literacy Day – Lire/Imagine/Read at the MCH: Making an Impact Through Early Literacy – 24 janvier 2024

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prevention in Canadian Infants: a New Era Begins – 6 décembre 2023

MCH Global Health: A Rheumatology Global Health Journey in Kenya, Ethiopia and Rwanda – 22 novembre 2023

La planification de l’effectif médical au Québec – 8 novembre 2023

Symposium Hepatitis B: Should We Treat More Children to Help Achieve Elimination Targets? – 1 novembre 2023

Patient Safety Week Planetary Health and Quality Improvement: Can Pediatrics Use this Intersection to Help Save the Planet? – 25 octobre 2023

Saul Usher Lectureship: Language and Matters of the Heart – 18 octobre 2023

Blair Whittemore-Cedars: Medulloblastoma – 11 octobre 2023

Poverty, Unmet Social Needs and Impact on Adherence to Medication – 3 octobre 2023

Inaugural Orange Shirt Day : Comment un enfant autochtone peut disparaître lors d’un séjour à l’hôpital? La perte de confiance des Premières Nations envers les institutions (Bilingual) – September 27 2023

Robert H. Usher Lecture: A Skeptic’s View of Neonatal Medicine: Balancing Science and Art – September 20 2023

Alan Ross Lecture One Child Every Child – Improving the Health of All Canadian Children through Research and Partnership – September 13 2023

Calendrier 2023-2022

Frank M. Guttman Visiting Professorship Combined Pediatric Surgery & Pediatrics Grand Rounds: Can We Offer Advanced Surgical Care to Children in Low- and Middle-Income Countries?  – 21 juin 2023

Alton Goldbloom Lectureship – Infant Heart Transplants to National Team Science: A Journey Through the Lens of a Pediatric Clinician-Scientist – 14 juin 2023

From Mystery to Meaning: Unravelling Novel Genes in Neurodevelopmental Disorders – 7 juin 2023

Supporting Mothers Around the World to Breastfeed their Babies: Insights from Implementation and Advocacy Research in Asia and Africa – 31 mai 2023

Digitizing Healthcare: AI and Equity Concerns – 24 mai 2023

Why did that Fracture Occur? Bone Fragility in Pediatrics – 17 mai 2023

The Alice Chan-Yip Lectureship in Integrative and Psychosomatic Medicine – Le Spot: Specialized Mental Health Center for Adolescents – 3 mai 2023

Environmental Exposures in the NICU and Child Health Outcomes – 26 avril 2023

Moral Distress: Evidence and New Horizons – 19 avril 2023

Inaugural Gottesman Grand Rounds – The Healthcare Leadership We Need: It’s in All of Us – 12 avril 2023

Pediatric Sleep Medicine at the MCH: A Look Back at a Quarter Century of Discoveries and Innovations on Earth (and Beyond!), and a Glimpse into the Future – 5 avril 2023

Early Detection and Intervention Toolkit – Cerebral Palsy (EDIT-CP): For Primary Care Providers, Therapists and Families – 29 mars 2023

Annual Kenny Vineberg Lectureship in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology & Joint Basic and Clinical Research Seminar: From Molecular Understanding to Liquid Biopsy Diagnostics – The Emerging Path of Progress in Pediatric Cancer Care – 22 mars 2023

Flourishing in Healthcare: Thriving in Challenging Times – 15 mars 2023

Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy and Childhood: 100 Causes to be Found – 8 mars 2023

Keith Drummond Memorial Lecture: Clinical Research Networks for Rare Kidney Diseases: Missions  – Accomplished and Lessons Learned – 8 février2023

Annual Family Literacy Day Lecture: Cereal Boxes and Shampoo: Developing a Passion for Reading – 25 janvier 2023

Fostering Collaborative Relationships between Patients, Families and Care Teams in Pediatrics – 11 janvier 2023

Maternal Child Health (MCH) in Inuit Communities – 14 décembre 2022

Role Modeling: Helping you make the implicit explicit – 8 décembre 2022

The McGill Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Management: The Journey Begins! – 7 décembre 2022

Ste Justine Joint Rounds – Le centre québécois de génomique clinique : Un actif au service de tous les québécois – 30 novembre 2022

Preston Robb – Building a Research Program in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons Learned from Neurosurgical Trials in Uganda – 23 novembre 2022

MCH Global Health Lecture: Global Health Rehabilitation Initiative: Advancing Global Health in Rehabilitation & Rehabilitation in Global Health – 9 novembre 2022

Belcourt Symposium – Acute Liver Failure: Bringing Hope to the Hepatologist’s Worst Nightmare – 2 novembre 2022

Saul Usher Lecture – Cardiac Manifestations of COVID-19 – 26 octobre 2022

Patient Safety Week: My Last Lecture – 19 octobre 2022

Design, Execution and Oversight of Multicenter RCTs for Children with Low-Frequency Hematologic and Vascular Diseases: Knowledge Gained and Lessons Learned from Kids-DOTT – 12 octobre 2022

The Power of Words in Pediatrics: Child Life Evidence-Based Practice – 5 octobre 2022

Inaugural Orange Shirt Day Lecture – ie’nikonrashátste Strong Spirits: Surviving Canada’s Indian Residential School System – 28 septembre 2022

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome on the First Day of Life: An Overlooked Threat? – 21 septembre 2022

23rd Annual Alan Ross Lecture – COVID-19 and Mental Health: A Conversation about Children, Families, and Public Health Restrictions – 14 septembre 2022

Calendriers précédents

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