Katryn Paquette


J’aime travailler avec les enfants et leurs familles parce que leur résilience face à l’adversité suscite l’espoir, la force et stimule l’esprit scientifique.

Renseignements hospitaliers

Postes universitaires

Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University

Prix et distinctions

  • 2020 Prix de la Recherche de la FMSQ 2020
  • 2019 IDWeek Diagnostics Abstract Award
  • 2018 American Heart Association and Hypertension High Impact Paper
  • 2016 CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child, and Youth Health Award of Excellence
  • 2016 University of Montreal, Department of Pediatrics, Claude Roy Award for Excellence in Research
  • 2013 IDWeek Resident Bursary



Program in Clinical Effectiveness, Masters’ of Science in Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA

Diplôme de médecine

MDCM (Medical Doctorate, Masters’ of Surgery), McGill University, Montreal, QC


Pediatric Residency, British Columbia Children’s Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada


Neonatatal-Perinatal Medicine Subspecialty Residency, Sainte-Justine University Hospital and Research Center, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada

Fait amusant

J’aime la nourriture (préparer et manger), les arts et les activités de plein-air.


Intérêts de recherche

Short and long-term health outcomes of individuals born extremely preterm. Optimizing the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in hospitalized individuals through the conduct of prospective, clinical research studies.

Publications choisies

  • Paquette K, Sweet D, Stenstrom R, Stabler SN, Lawandi A, Akhter M, Davidson AC, Gavric M, Jinah R, Saeed Z, Demir K, Sangsari S, Huang K, Mahpour A, Shamatutu C, Caya C, Troquet JM, Clark G, Wong T, Yansouni C, and Cheng MP for the FABLED investigators. Neither Blood Culture Positivity nor Time to Positivity is Associated with Mortality Among Patients with Severe Manifestations of Sepsis: The FABLED Cohort Study. Open Forum in Infect Dis. 2021 Jun 17;8(7):ofab321
  • Cheng MP, Lawandi A, Butler-Laporte G, De L’Étoile-Morel S, Paquette K, Lee TC. Adjunctive Daptomycin in the Treatment of Methicillin-Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 May 4:72(9)e196-e203
  • Butler-Laporte G, Cheng MP, Thirion DJG, De L’Étoile-Morel S, Frenette C, Paquette K, McDonald EG, Lawandi A, Lee TC. Clinical Trials Increase Off-Study Drug Use: A Segmented Time-Series Analysis. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2020 Sept 24:7(11):ofaa499
  • Butler-Laporte G, Yansouni C, Paquette K, Lawandi A, Stabler SN, Akhter M, Davidson AC, Gavric M, Jinah R, Saeed Z, Demir K, Sangsari S, Huang K, Mahpour A, Shamatutu C, Caya C, Troquet JM, Clark G, Wong T, Lee TC, Stenstrom R, Sweet D, Cheng MP for the FABLED investigators. Real-world Time to Positivity of 2 Widely Used Commercial Blood Culture Systems in Patients with Severe Manifestations of Sepsis: an Analysis of the FABLED Study. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2020 Aug 23;7(9):ofaa371
  • Flahault A, Paquette K, Fernandes R, Delfrate J, Cloutier A, Henderson M, Lavoie JC, Mâsse B, Nuyt AM, Luu TM. Increased incidence but lack of association between cardiovascular risk factors in Hypertension, 2020 Mar;75(3):796-805.
  • Cheng MP, Stenstrom R, Paquette K, Yansouni C, Sweet D, for the FABLED investigators. Blood Culture Results Before and After Antimicrobial Administration. Ann Intern Med. 2020 Mar 17;172(6):440-441.
  • Cheng MP, Stenstrom R, Paquette K, Stabler SN, Akhter M, Davidson A, Gavric M, Lawandi A, Jinah R, Saheed Z, Demir K, Huang K, Mahpour A, Shamatutu C, Caya C, Troquet JM, Clark G, Yansouni C, and Sweet D for the FABLED investigators. The effect of antimicrobial administration on blood culture positivity in patients with severe manifestations of sepsis. Ann Intern Med. 2019 Oct;171(8): 547-554
  • Paquette K, Coltin H, Boivin A, Devendra A, Nuyt AM, Luu TM. Cancer risk in children and young adults born preterm: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE. 2019 Jan;14(1) e0210366
  • Paquette K, Fernandes RO, Xie LF, Cloutier A, Fallaha C, Girard-Bock C, Mian MOR, Lukaszewski MA, Mâsse B, El-Jalbout R, Lapeyraque AL, Santos RA, Luu TM, Nuyt AM. Kidney Size, Renal Function, Angiotensin Peptides and Blood Pressure in Young Adults Born Preterm: the HAPI Study. Hypertension. 2018 Oct;72(4): 918–928
  • Bertagnolli M, Xie LF, Paquette K, He Y, Cloutier A, Fernandes RO, Beland C, Sutherland M, Bigras JL, Rivard A, Thebaud B, Luu TM, Nuyt AM. Endothelial Colony-Forming Cells in Preterm Born Young Adults (HAPI): A Novel Link between Neonatal Complications and Adult Risks for Cardiovascular Diseases. J Am Heart Assoc. 2018 Jul 9;7(14):e009720
  • Nuyt AM, Lavoie JC, Mohamed I, Paquette K, Luu TM. Adult consequences of extremely preterm birth: Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases risk factors, mechanisms and prevention avenues. Clinics in Perinatology. 2017 Jun;44(2):315-332.
  • Paquette K, Cheng MP, McGillivray D, Quach, C. Is a Lumbar Puncture Necessary When Evaluating Febrile Infants (30 to 90 Days of Age) with an Abnormal Urinalysis? Pediatric Emergency Care. 2011 Nov; 27(11):1057-61